Friday, May 29, 2015

Dandora Dump Site

Dandora's Dump site in Kenya, Africa, has been turned into a giant area of trash. Dandora's civillians go here for food because they are struggling to get any food from shops. They eat leftover trash from richer people in Kenya and from tourists who drop their trash in this dump. Lately this has became a problem because these people's main goal is to find food, not to rid the over piling trash. The Dandora Dump Site is a very big area, it would be beautiful however its over run with trash and other dirty things. I personally feel bad for these civilians because they are really poor so they can not afford any real food from markets. This dump site is seen more as a home than a regular dump for most of the low class civilians. I've read the actual article about this dump site; it included some pictures that were disturbing to me personally because I feel bad for these people. Tourists from around the world and just upper class civilians in this country are dumping trash into this dump site and its overloading. It's not even considered an actual dump site, honestly I just see it as mountains of trash. If I could, I would help these people get real food and clean up their dump site to make it be in the shape its supposed to be in. If you would like to go to the website that contain these photos and captions along with them, here is the link: Dandora Dump Site Photos. Thank you viewers for reading my blog post. Until my next blog post...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I play this game title Wizard101. I don't know whats so cool about it though.......

My personal post about a PC game I play called Wizard101. This game is a game rated E for Everyone ages 10+ and is an MMORPG game. You play as a wizard you created out of the seven schools you can created a wizard with; Life, Myth, Death, Storm, Ice, Fire and Balance. You go on an adventure to defeat evil and stop an major enemy that was once a part of the good side, his name is Malistaire Drake. He was with the first world of the universe named the Spiral; Wizard City. Until his wife died.... He turned against the good and wanted to destroy Wizard City and take over the Spiral. However that didn't work in the end. Enough of that though... There are two current storylines of the game. But my "addiction" to this is questionable. The game is good, however, why am I so addicted to it? I can go days without it, but that one day I play it I most likely would be on it all day. But that's enough of that, ^_^

China Has Cram Schools....

China, the second biggest country of Asia. It was discovered recently that they contain schools that cram their students' brains for three years, and the fourth year these students take a test to see whether or not they will go off to college. It is said that if they fail the test however, they would have to make up the money that THEY paid for because the student failed. Which practically meant that the student AND his/her family would be in manual labor for a very long time, possibly forever. The document I read on this was in the Upfront Magazine, and this article had some quotations from one student who passed the test, and another who wasn't so lucky. They both share their experience of how the school was set up; the classrooms were big, and they were in there for 16 hours hooked up to some liquid that keeps them full and awake for more and more studying and cramming. Imagine going to a school 16 hours a day, every single day of the week for three years; what makes it worse is if you fail the test. I personally find this wrong and would want to take away these cram schools, but hey; I don't own anything big. I do not have a link to the article currently because I read it in the paper magazine.

NCAA And Student Athletes.

This is a late response to the student athlete problem with the NCAA sports program. However I want to have my input on this situation. Based on John Oliver's show, the student athletes are somewhat like the NBA... Except they don't get paid, or any privileges for being an All-Star or an MVP of their team. Some people see this as a problem because they're on TV like the NBA, they get acknowledged like the NBA players, however there's nothing in it for them. People want to change that because it seems unfair. The administrator of the NCAA teams get all of the money, the coach gets some of it, but when it comes to the players, they get nothing. This is a short blog post because I didn't have much to say about this situation; I am personally not a sports person. Here's the link to the video on YouTube: John Oliver: Last Week Tonight; NCAA

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Return of the Measles

This blog post will be about something i read in an Upfront magazine explaining the return of the measles disease. For those who don't know about measles, it is a disease that mostly children can get infected by it. The symptoms are a runny nose, high fever, sneezing and a hacking cough. Years ago this disease was exterminated "permanently" from US grounds; now it has return. It started when at least one infected member of a family took a trip to Disney World; that is when the measles started to spread. Now it is spreading faster than it was before it occurred in America. Schools started to close down or ban students who haven't been vaccinated yet, or is just plain infected. Recently doctors, nurses, scientists, and others have been bringing back out the measles cure and have been opening clinics for vaccinations. Hopefully the US can keep up with the measles and can get rid of it once again before it spreads nationwide. I did not have much information on this pose (although I read the article, wasn't really much notes to take) so I apologize if you needed more information. How about checking out the Upfront Magazine website? Here's the link: Upfront Magazine Website I appreciate you taking your time to read my blog post.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cat Riding on Hood in Ohio??????????

Picture Captures Leashed Cat Riding on Car Hood in Ohio

 A driver captured a picture of a cat riding on the hood of someone's car, leashed. What is a cat doing on someone's car? Although it seems funny, after the photo went viral Ohio police went to search for the owner of the SUV , who is possibly the owner of the cat also. We have this picture because a witness was lucky enough to snap a few of them while seeing the SUV drive past (quick hands eh). Good thing the cat was safe, the leash was attached to the SUV securely. No officials know yet whether or no this violates the animal cruelty law. Probably because it was  said that the cat didn't seem to be so happy standing on the hood of a car; it was meowing over and over. This is all i have for this news, hope you check this out! Bye!
Link to the NBC News website: Cat Riding on Car Hood

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Pokemon Post of the Week: Gliscor!

Time for my personal post on one of my favorite games, Pokemon. In this post I will be talking about an awesome Pokemon I own, Gliscor! This Pokemon's species is a flying scorpion, or an Aeroscorpion, who's type is Ground and Flying. This Pokemon can beat Ground types of its own, Fighting types, Poison Types (With its hidden ability, Poison Heal), and Water types. However, Ice types can knock Gliscor down super quick. Its EVs could be 244 in HP, 248 in Defense, and 16 in Speed stats. 6IVs of course would be awesome for it. Best ability, which is it's hidden ability, Poison Heal, would go super well with an Toxic Orb item. There are three great move sets that can be used for Gliscor. One set is Earthquake, Protect/Roost, Toxic/Taunt, and Ice Fang/U-Turn. A second set is Substitute, Toxic/Baton Pass, Earthquake, and Protect/Roost/Taunt/Ice Fang/Swords Dance/Agility. One more set is Swords Dance, Substitute/Agility, Earthquake and Acrobatics. The beneficial natures for Gliscor would be Impish and Adamant. I believe Gliscor looks awesome in its shiny form; others may think it looks better in it's normal form however. I hope you gamers and Pokemon lovers check into my blog for more upcoming posts on good Pokemon! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Teen Commits Suicide

Teen Kills Himself After Accidentally Shooting Girlfriend In Minneapolis

This was recently posted about an hour ago on the CBS News website. A 15-year-old ACCIDENTALLY (or intentionally, the news doesn't know for sure) shot his girlfriend and then committed suicide. The girlfriend was shot in two areas (if it was accidental she wouldn't be shot in two areas), her face and chest. The girlfriend was 14 years old. This incident occurred around 4:00 p.m. in an apartment building near 11200 block of Robinson Drive Northwest, which is where he lived. After shooting his girlfriend, he ran 250 ft to a nearby charter school parking lot and shot himself in the head. The teen's name is Arnold; the news said that the mother was present at the time of the shooting. The girlfriend was found with flesh wounds, although she is still alive and breathing. She gave the investigators information on finding where the boy went after accidentally shooting her. The girl had a rag held against her neck, trying to keep blood from massively coming out of her wound. She also said that Arnold was "playing" and she thought that it wasn't intentional. The police isn't clear on why the teen committed suicide after accidentally shooting her. There was no danger to the public because the boy killed himself; and there were no additional suspects. I sure do hope the girlfriend is still alive and alright. I also hope that the boy has went to a better place, although it wasn't his time to leave yet. Please check back in for more posts. Thanks for viewing my blog. The link to the CBS News website post is here: Teen Kills Himself After Shooting Girlfriend

Amtrak Collides with Tractor Trailer

Amtrak Train Derails in North Carolina After Hitting Tractor Trailer, at least 62 Injured.

Recently, there was a incident with the Amtrak train in North Carolina. It had hit a tractor trailer and caused the train to go off the track and injure many people riding the train. It is said that at least 62 were injured and/or killed after the impact. This incident occurred yesterday, March 9 of 2015. A witness stated that the tractor-trailer seemed to be sitting on the tracks while trying to make a right turn that seemed to be difficult. It was also stated that the tractor trailer had gotten stuck after the cross bars lowered on the vehicle. After giving up trying to make the right turn, the tractor attempted at a left turn before getting stuck under the cross bars. The tractor then attempted to back up and perform a much wider turn, unfortunately the cross bars had it completely stuck after some movement. then, the Amtrak Train made its impact, derailing the first two train cars. This is a breaking news event, therefore I do not have much information to give about it. The link to the website is here: ABC News Amtrak Train Incident. There is also a video of what happened during the incident (I haven't watched it, but I believe it shows the impact of the train). I hope the ones that were in that train were just injured and not killed.. Please check back for more posts! Have a nice day. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Shuckle and Drapion!!!

Hey guys, its Hidan again! For those Pokemon fans out there, I'm going to give you advise on one or two Pokemon in this post. Lets start with Drapion, the Poison Dark type Pokemon. I personally like this Pokemon because it is strong in attack, fast enough, and can take most special attacks and a lot of physical hits. Especially with its Battle Armor ability which prevents critical hits from landing on it by opposing Pokemon. Since this Pokemon is fast enough, a good move set for it will be Toxic Spikes (if taken out first), or Toxic, Cross Poison, Dark Pulse (for flinch chances) or Night Slash (for critical hits), and Earthquake, for any other Drapions or any types that are super weak to ground types. If you like to EV train, I suggest training it in either speed, special defense, or attack if you want to sweep a team with it. Another very good Pokemon, one of my favorites, Shuckle! This defensive Bug Rock type Pokemon has amazing defense and special defense stats. Its best ability is its hidden ability of course; Contrary, along with its best nature, Impish. Contrary ability reverses stat changing moves such as Shell Smash, instead of decreasing defensive stats, it will raise them but decrease speed, and offensive stats. But don't worry, that's where this awesome move set comes in handy. A perfect move set would be Shell Smash, Toxic, Infestation, and Rest! As far as EV training, I suggest start with Special Defense stats, then work on his Defense stats. Use those moves correctly, and you will have a 99.9% chance of winning a battle! That .1% chance of losing will come from not using the moves correctly. Well that's all for tonight, if you want to friend me on the 3ds, my code is 0490-7256-1279. Let me know if you want to battle or trade! This is Hidan of the Akatsuki.

Naruto and My Favorite Characters

I'm a very big fan of video games, anime, and computers. So lets talk about some Naruto! For those who don't know about Naruto, this character has his own show (forgot when it very first came out), and a series of awesome games! I've watched the show AND read the entire manga, I gotta say, I can't get enough of this anime. Although Naruto is the main character, lets not be all up on him. I believe all of the characters are awesome, especially my favorites; Hidan, Itachi Uchiha, and Kakuzu of the Akatsuki Clan; Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto's "best friend"), Minato Namikaze (Naruto's father), Madara Uchiha, and last but not least, Shisui Uchiha. There's a new movie and game for the last bit of the Naruto series. However the latest game is titled "Naruto Shippiden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution" (long name, I know). Stay tuned in to my blog for more posts. This is Hidan of the Akatsuki.

Friday, February 13, 2015

L'Enfant Plaza Incident

Political Cartoon about L'Enfant Plaza Station Incident

This political cartoon shows the L'Enfant Plaza metro station incident with the smoke that randomly occurred. People who could relate to this political cartoon is normal metro riders, tourists, workers, and the metro staff themselves. The intention behind this cartoon is that D.C claims they spend billions and billions of dollars trying to keep its citizens safe, however that's not true. In my point of view, that money goes to other things like unnecessary technology and other things that does NOT keep D.C safe. I don't believe this cartoon presents any type of propaganda, I just believe that this cartoon is ironically true.

Poster, George Marshall

Friday, February 6, 2015

Super Bowl Commercials

First Draft Ever Commercial

This commercial in the Super Bowl was showing how the first draft ever for football. This commercial showed animals that were willing to get picked by certain teams in the NFL. This commercial uses pathos to make the viewers laugh and talk about how the first draft was theorized. It aims at football fans and it matters because it gives them something to joke about. I liked this commercial because I found it funny (although i'm not a football fan). This ad would probably not be memorable to most people, especially ones who aren't fans of football; but to those who are football fans, this may be memorable because it makes them laugh.

Heroes Charge Commercial

This short commercial shows a phone app titled Heroes' Charge. This ad is aimed at people who love to play MMORPG's, mostly phone apps, but video games period. This ad uses ethos to persuade viewers to download this app because today people love MMORPGs and other phone apps/games. I believe this commercial could persuade me to get this app/game because I personally like this genre of video games, and its portable. I think this ad would be memorable because it may mean a lot to video game players.

Skittles Commercial

This commercial shows  a western town themed skittles commercial. This commercial aimed at people who loves skittles. Skittles' commercials use pathos to make people laugh and most likely buy more skittles. This ad showed people in a western town with over-sized arms for arm wrestling. I somewhat liked this commercial because I personally don't eat skittles much, however the ad was funny. I believe this ad would be memorable to skittles fans, not so much to just regular viewers.