Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Amtrak Collides with Tractor Trailer

Amtrak Train Derails in North Carolina After Hitting Tractor Trailer, at least 62 Injured.

Recently, there was a incident with the Amtrak train in North Carolina. It had hit a tractor trailer and caused the train to go off the track and injure many people riding the train. It is said that at least 62 were injured and/or killed after the impact. This incident occurred yesterday, March 9 of 2015. A witness stated that the tractor-trailer seemed to be sitting on the tracks while trying to make a right turn that seemed to be difficult. It was also stated that the tractor trailer had gotten stuck after the cross bars lowered on the vehicle. After giving up trying to make the right turn, the tractor attempted at a left turn before getting stuck under the cross bars. The tractor then attempted to back up and perform a much wider turn, unfortunately the cross bars had it completely stuck after some movement. then, the Amtrak Train made its impact, derailing the first two train cars. This is a breaking news event, therefore I do not have much information to give about it. The link to the website is here: ABC News Amtrak Train Incident. There is also a video of what happened during the incident (I haven't watched it, but I believe it shows the impact of the train). I hope the ones that were in that train were just injured and not killed.. Please check back for more posts! Have a nice day. 

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