Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Shuckle and Drapion!!!

Hey guys, its Hidan again! For those Pokemon fans out there, I'm going to give you advise on one or two Pokemon in this post. Lets start with Drapion, the Poison Dark type Pokemon. I personally like this Pokemon because it is strong in attack, fast enough, and can take most special attacks and a lot of physical hits. Especially with its Battle Armor ability which prevents critical hits from landing on it by opposing Pokemon. Since this Pokemon is fast enough, a good move set for it will be Toxic Spikes (if taken out first), or Toxic, Cross Poison, Dark Pulse (for flinch chances) or Night Slash (for critical hits), and Earthquake, for any other Drapions or any types that are super weak to ground types. If you like to EV train, I suggest training it in either speed, special defense, or attack if you want to sweep a team with it. Another very good Pokemon, one of my favorites, Shuckle! This defensive Bug Rock type Pokemon has amazing defense and special defense stats. Its best ability is its hidden ability of course; Contrary, along with its best nature, Impish. Contrary ability reverses stat changing moves such as Shell Smash, instead of decreasing defensive stats, it will raise them but decrease speed, and offensive stats. But don't worry, that's where this awesome move set comes in handy. A perfect move set would be Shell Smash, Toxic, Infestation, and Rest! As far as EV training, I suggest start with Special Defense stats, then work on his Defense stats. Use those moves correctly, and you will have a 99.9% chance of winning a battle! That .1% chance of losing will come from not using the moves correctly. Well that's all for tonight, if you want to friend me on the 3ds, my code is 0490-7256-1279. Let me know if you want to battle or trade! This is Hidan of the Akatsuki.

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