Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I play this game title Wizard101. I don't know whats so cool about it though.......

My personal post about a PC game I play called Wizard101. This game is a game rated E for Everyone ages 10+ and is an MMORPG game. You play as a wizard you created out of the seven schools you can created a wizard with; Life, Myth, Death, Storm, Ice, Fire and Balance. You go on an adventure to defeat evil and stop an major enemy that was once a part of the good side, his name is Malistaire Drake. He was with the first world of the universe named the Spiral; Wizard City. Until his wife died.... He turned against the good and wanted to destroy Wizard City and take over the Spiral. However that didn't work in the end. Enough of that though... There are two current storylines of the game. But my "addiction" to this is questionable. The game is good, however, why am I so addicted to it? I can go days without it, but that one day I play it I most likely would be on it all day. But that's enough of that, ^_^

China Has Cram Schools....

China, the second biggest country of Asia. It was discovered recently that they contain schools that cram their students' brains for three years, and the fourth year these students take a test to see whether or not they will go off to college. It is said that if they fail the test however, they would have to make up the money that THEY paid for because the student failed. Which practically meant that the student AND his/her family would be in manual labor for a very long time, possibly forever. The document I read on this was in the Upfront Magazine, and this article had some quotations from one student who passed the test, and another who wasn't so lucky. They both share their experience of how the school was set up; the classrooms were big, and they were in there for 16 hours hooked up to some liquid that keeps them full and awake for more and more studying and cramming. Imagine going to a school 16 hours a day, every single day of the week for three years; what makes it worse is if you fail the test. I personally find this wrong and would want to take away these cram schools, but hey; I don't own anything big. I do not have a link to the article currently because I read it in the paper magazine.

NCAA And Student Athletes.

This is a late response to the student athlete problem with the NCAA sports program. However I want to have my input on this situation. Based on John Oliver's show, the student athletes are somewhat like the NBA... Except they don't get paid, or any privileges for being an All-Star or an MVP of their team. Some people see this as a problem because they're on TV like the NBA, they get acknowledged like the NBA players, however there's nothing in it for them. People want to change that because it seems unfair. The administrator of the NCAA teams get all of the money, the coach gets some of it, but when it comes to the players, they get nothing. This is a short blog post because I didn't have much to say about this situation; I am personally not a sports person. Here's the link to the video on YouTube: John Oliver: Last Week Tonight; NCAA

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Return of the Measles

This blog post will be about something i read in an Upfront magazine explaining the return of the measles disease. For those who don't know about measles, it is a disease that mostly children can get infected by it. The symptoms are a runny nose, high fever, sneezing and a hacking cough. Years ago this disease was exterminated "permanently" from US grounds; now it has return. It started when at least one infected member of a family took a trip to Disney World; that is when the measles started to spread. Now it is spreading faster than it was before it occurred in America. Schools started to close down or ban students who haven't been vaccinated yet, or is just plain infected. Recently doctors, nurses, scientists, and others have been bringing back out the measles cure and have been opening clinics for vaccinations. Hopefully the US can keep up with the measles and can get rid of it once again before it spreads nationwide. I did not have much information on this pose (although I read the article, wasn't really much notes to take) so I apologize if you needed more information. How about checking out the Upfront Magazine website? Here's the link: Upfront Magazine Website I appreciate you taking your time to read my blog post.