Friday, May 29, 2015

Dandora Dump Site

Dandora's Dump site in Kenya, Africa, has been turned into a giant area of trash. Dandora's civillians go here for food because they are struggling to get any food from shops. They eat leftover trash from richer people in Kenya and from tourists who drop their trash in this dump. Lately this has became a problem because these people's main goal is to find food, not to rid the over piling trash. The Dandora Dump Site is a very big area, it would be beautiful however its over run with trash and other dirty things. I personally feel bad for these civilians because they are really poor so they can not afford any real food from markets. This dump site is seen more as a home than a regular dump for most of the low class civilians. I've read the actual article about this dump site; it included some pictures that were disturbing to me personally because I feel bad for these people. Tourists from around the world and just upper class civilians in this country are dumping trash into this dump site and its overloading. It's not even considered an actual dump site, honestly I just see it as mountains of trash. If I could, I would help these people get real food and clean up their dump site to make it be in the shape its supposed to be in. If you would like to go to the website that contain these photos and captions along with them, here is the link: Dandora Dump Site Photos. Thank you viewers for reading my blog post. Until my next blog post...